How to Prep for a Playful Photo Session  

What can we do to prep for a playful photo session? As a family photographer in Kitsap County (Bremerton, to be precise), curating a fun and playful photo session for families is my job, for sure. It’s also my joy. I strive to help you create true-to-you images that aren’t just for Instagram – but can adorn the walls of your home like the artwork that you and your family are.  

But getting those connection-heavy, natural and authentic photos – and a session that is relaxed and fun – DOES involve a little bit of prep work. So if you’ll indulge me, I’d love to share my tips for a fun photo session prep to help encourage all the goodness you love in your family photographs. 

Photo Session Prep Tips:

1. Get those zzz’

If you’re the mom of littles, you’ve surely heard the phrase “sleep begets sleep”. As a family photographer, I can also tell you that sleep begets a great photo session. So do what you can to ensure a good night of sleep for your kiddos, which will help ensure a good night of sleep for you, too. On the day of, try to coordinate naps around the session time so your little ones are freshly rested and ready to go.  

2. Feed those sweet faces  

The day of a photo session can be busy, but kids (and you!) will do better with healthy, nourishing meals and snacks leading up to your session. Try to limit sugar as it tends to cause a crash and, inevitably, a meltdown mid-session. Nobody wants that! We can save the treats for mid-session bribery if needed instead.  

3. Lock in your looks a few weeks before

Start thinking about your family’s photo session wardrobe just after booking, and get those looks locked in a few weeks before. Bonus points if you choose your own outfit before everyone else’s, so that you can then coordinate your partner’s and kids’ clothes around your own! We tend to think of everyone else first, but you need to feel confident first, mama. The same goes for haircuts and dye jobs – getting these done a few weeks before will ensure you’re comfortable with your new locks and how to style them well ahead of your session. While I know everyone has their go-to stylist, I am a huge fan of Three Arrows Salon in Silverdale and BB Salon & Boutique, which is owned by professional makeup artists.  

4. Involve your partner

Share information about the session and how to prep with your significant other. Let them know that they have one job at the session: and that’s to smile, laugh, touch, and love on you and your kiddos. And it’s NOT to smile and say cheese at the camera, unless I say so (and I’d never instruct you to say cheese!) Letting them in on the vibe in advance will encourage them to be more relaxed heading into the session, and not feel any pressure to perform with a fake smile.  

Family playing outside and blowing bubble during a playful family photo session in Bremerton, WA

5. Set the stage for fun

I know that getting everyone ready and out the door is stressful, no matter what, so that’s why I recommend doing what you can to drum up the fun, especially on your way to, or just prior to, the session. If you like a cocktail, enjoy one while you do your makeup, and give your partner a beer before the doorbell rings and I walk in the door. Or, leave early for your session and blast your favorite, fun music on the way. Dress the kids when you get to location so they can be comfortable in the car. Know that I’ll take care of the heavy lifting for you once you arrive, so your good energy is all you need walking in. Your kids will feed off of that positivity, too.  

6. Let go of expectations

Expectations are resentments waiting to happen, so try if you can to let them go. Your photo session with me is not stiff or staged. I won’t ask you to look at me and smile a whole lot. Instead, come ready to play, kiss, snuggle and squeeze your loved ones. These photos will be about your family’s connection and the realness of this special and short-lived season you’re in. I promise the reality will be better than the expectation, if you let it. 

Want more tips on how to prep for a playful photo session your Kitsap County photo session, or have questions about session types and availability? Drop me a line HERE and let’s talk! 

My mission is to peel back the ideas we have about what photos sessions should look like and start creating them based on how you want to be seen and how you want your memories to be felt. So that when you look through at your images for the 1st time or the 100th , you laugh, smile, and maybe tear up a little remembering exactly how you felt at that moment.

Hi, I'm Heather.

documentarian of beauty in the everyday.

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